There are almost more than 2.07 billion monthly users on Facebook. That should be a well enough reason for you to integrate Facebook into your CRM.

CRM with Facebook integration is a frictionless way to get qualified leads for your business with Facebook Lead Ads. With this lead ads CRM integration, you can automatically capture leads.

How important is Facebook leads for your business? If you want your Facebook leads directly in your CRM, so that you don’t have to switch in between systems, it’s the best way.

Benefits Of CRM with Facebook Integration

When you are using the Facebook lead ads, you face problems in manually downloading leads from facebook. It wastes your valuable time and effort.

Facebook with CRM integration helps in capturing leads directly without importing CSV files manually.

Not to forget, that Facebook only keeps your leads for 90 days. What happens when you need to contact one of your leads that you had saved on Facebook? What if forgot to download your leads data?

Here are some benefits of CRM with Facebook integration that will help in solving problems like above and more.

Zero Manual Effort

Now, you don’t have to go through the hassle of downloading the leads from Facebook and import it into the CRM in a CSV file.

With Facebook integration, you can capture leads directly from Facebook into your CRM automatically.

Nurture Facebook Leads

You can set autoresponders, drip marketing campaigns, and engage your prospects and customers effectively.

Push them to the conversation funnel while nurturing them and giving them valuable insights.

Landing Page Publishing

One of the great advantages of the integration is you can publish landing pages to capture leads from your other paid Facebook campaigns.

Now you will never miss an opportunity to capture leads on Facebook by hosting your landing pages on Facebook.

Sync Facebook With Teleduce

When you sync your Facebook with Teleduce, you can map your Facebook lead forms and track leads from various sources under one platform.

Capture, distribute, and nurture Facebook leads for your business with an integrated platform like Teleduce.

How to Integrate Facebook in Teleduce?

Teleduce helps Facebook integration where you can capture leads directly into your CRM.

Follow these simple steps to integrate Facebook with Teleduce.

On the Teleduce dashboard, click on the menu and come down to “integration”.

Now, click on the “Social Media” section.

Now, click on the “Facebook: symbol.

Sign in with your Facebook account and allow access.

Your Facebook account is now connected with Teleduce.

And, if you want to disconnect, click on the “disconnect” button.


Facebook integration is one of the crucial steps you need to take in order to run your business smoothly.

You can leverage it to quickly get in touch with your leads so you can nurture them before they turn cold.

It’s one of the best integrations, as it’s easy and fast. And, it gives you quick results if you respond to the leads faster.

Teleduce is one of the best CRM to capture facebook leads.