10 OpenAI Use Cases for Businesses in 2024

· 6 min read
OpenAI Use Cases

For some companies, generative AI, like the tools offered by OpenAI, is still a whole new world. It’s one that some are hesitant to adopt despite the many OpenAI use cases that make work easier. However, recent studies show that those who aren’t finding ways to implement generative AI may be falling behind.

According to a Conference Board survey, more than half of U.S. workers use generative AI, a type of AI that uses machine learning algorithms to create outputs and data-driven decisions based on its training data set. Although some people warn that generative AI can threaten workers, the survey shows that mindset is quickly becoming outdated. Most surveyed said that generative AI is simply a tool that helps make them more efficient.

Additionally, the integration of enterprise AI search software further exemplifies the growing reliance on AI-driven solutions to optimize business processes and drive innovation.

For those who have yet to learn of the extent of what OpenAI offers, the idea of artificial intelligence helping their jobs instead of hurting them may be a foreign concept. However, OpenAI, which offers tools like the increasingly popular ChatGPT, can assist businesses throughout their various departments. Let’s get into the business use cases for AI.

To fully leverage the capabilities of generative AI, businesses should consider utilizing prompt engineering tools. These tools are designed to optimize the way AI systems interpret and generate responses, ensuring more accurate and relevant outputs. By integrating these tools, companies can streamline their AI processes, leading to better performance across various applications, from content creation to customer service.

Create Content Ideas

Because ChatGPT is one of the most well-known examples of the tools OpenAI created, we’ll begin by focusing on ChatGPT use cases for businesses. ChatGPT uses vast amounts of data to generate human-like text, but its uses go beyond generating words.

Businesses can use ChatGPT to create new content ideas, which is a significantly helpful tool for content marketers. ChatGPT can ensure that you never go through a content dry spell again, helping you generate everything from blog post topics to social media posts.

Generate Leads and Cater to Their Interests

Beyond generating ideas for marketers, ChatGPT is a boon to the sales team, making it one of the top artificial intelligence business applications. This powerful tool is beneficial to fulfilling the need for predictive intelligence. With ChatGPT integrations, businesses can easily find hidden insights from large data sets on potential customers. Those insights can help your sales team target future buyers better by tailoring the sales process to suit their interests and needs.

These insights are also valuable to the marketing team. As Gen Z is quickly becoming a powerful force in the buyer economy, finding ways to reach these online-savvy clients is crucial.

One of the most important ways is by creating a personalized customer experience. According to a WP Engine and the Center for Generational Kinetics survey, more than half of Gen Zers believe in personalization in their buyer journey. If a company isn’t targeting them directly with their interests, they will be unlikely to continue giving that business attention.

Analyze Your Market Through OpenAI Business Use Cases

One of the biggest benefits of ChatGPT is its ability to process large data sets, making it useful for analyzing market trends. Companies can stay ahead of the competition by using tools like ChatGPT to identify patterns and determine what’s happening in their industry and where their market is heading.

This OpenAI case allows businesses to continuously improve and adapt, making data-driven decisions based on market trends that their competitors haven’t yet figured out. These trends create marketing campaign, performance optimization, a sales process that’s more likely to convert, and a product that people want to buy.

OpenAI API Use Cases for Customer Service

open ai use cases

Improve User Experience With Chatbots

Business use cases for generative AI don’t stop with just your sales or marketing team. A company’s customer service team also greatly benefits from using OpenAI tools. By developing a chatbot and placing it on their website or in their application, a company can chat with a potential buyer in real-time, answering questions and directing them toward places they may be inclined to buy.

These large language models (LLM) can also provide sentiment analysis, ensuring companies can quickly address growing concerns among their clients. A chatbot is a simple way to improve customer engagement.

Extract Vital Data

When companies integrate AI into their application programming interface (API), they ensure their API works for them. With AI, a business can extract crucial data from a potential buyer. That data can inform the predictive intelligence the sales and marketing teams need to target their audience.

The survey that determined that Gen Z wants a personalized experience also found that businesses can easily lose the trust of a Gen Z buyer. While extracting data that informs personalized buyer experiences is crucial, it’s just as vital to maintain those customers’ privacy, which requires companies to collaborate only with reliable AI partners.

Make Relevant Recommendations and Search Results

Another business case for AI also relies on that extracted data. Beyond using the data for the sales and marketing teams, companies can use that information on their website or application.

A part of having a personalized customer experience is using an AI-driven API’s natural language processing to recognize what potential buyers want and return with results they’ll be interested in. Tailored recommendations and search results can improve customer satisfaction.

OpenAI Use Cases for Engineering and Product Management

open ai use cases

Engineer With OpenAI Codex Use Cases

We’ve spoken a lot about the business case for AI regarding how you use tools like ChatGPT, but OpenAI has a wealth of other tools, including Codex. Codex essentially turns natural language into code. As with ChatGPT, other AI tools, and advanced machine-learning models, Codex works supplementary to your software engineers. In many ways, Codex is as much a boon to software engineers as ChatGPT is to content marketers.

While ChatGPT can generate ideas and create copy based on analyzed data, Codex can generate and tweak code based on a software engineer’s needs. When an engineer puts in a prompt for Codex, the AI tool can alter the code to fit the command. If one has the criteria for a successful AI project, such as the right prompts for the proper output, Codex can save the engineer time and reduce costs for the company.

Optimize Supply Chain Management

According to Statista, AI usage in supply chains is growing exponentially, with 38 percent of the supply chain adopting AI by 2025, which can have far-reaching positive effects.

Consider how grocers apply AI for food supply chain management.  AI-powered inventory tech can gather point-of-sale and shelf monitoring data to understand how products move through the supply chain, forecast demand, and make highly-accurate inventory recommendations.

Even beyond agriculture, AI in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) sector, including packaged foods, toiletries, and other vital household items, means creating a supply chain that runs on data-driven decisions. AI adoption in supply chain operations results in better inventory management, real-time delivery controls, and logistic systems that make sense in today’s economy.

Azure OpenAI Use Cases

Summarize Valuable Content

OpenAI and Microsoft partnered to give businesses the best of both worlds. By introducing Microsoft’s Azure, an extensive cloud computing platform, and OpenAI’s powerful language models, the two formed Azure OpenAI, which would greatly increase use cases for OpenAI.

Azure OpenAI is particularly beneficial for internal usage, allowing the tool to work as a virtual assistant. The AI application can help make information easily accessible to those who need it most. Consider if one had several documents with crucial data that needed to reach multiple people in the company. The tool can make quick work of condensing the information in an easy-to-digest way rather than having someone spend their valuable time summarizing the information themselves.

Get Internal Answers

Another Azure OpenAI use case particularly comes in handy when multiple teams need to access an array of documents regularly. Azure OpenAI lets someone get answers based on the data sets contained in the tool. Those data sets can come from a company’s internal documents. This application is a great way to prevent knowledge silos, which occur when some people in a company have access to skills and information, but other teams and individuals do not have that same access.

OpenAI Use Cases for Business in the Modern World

There are many different forms of AI for business use cases, which is part of the beauty of today’s workplace. From efficiently completing routine tasks to providing competitive market insight, OpenAI tools are shaping the future of sales, marketing, and engineering.

With more than half of U.S. workers using generative AI, now is the time for companies to start adopting these tools themselves. By adopting AI usage now, businesses can set up proactive guidelines for their use, ensuring they’re following proper data storage needs and protecting their workers and customers. By working with the right AI partners, AI can help companies grow safely and effectively.