Sales Lead Generation Strategy: Templates, Strategy, and Tips

· 11 min read
Sales Lead Generation Strategy: Templates, Strategy, and Tips

Every business is unique. What’s right for one business may not be right for another. But there’s one common goal – Lead Generation.

In this blog, you will get to know more about a simple yet highly effective strategy for lead generation for your business.

These cost-effective strategies are easy to implement once you know what to do and how to do it.

Lead Generation Marketing Tips

Lead Generation Marketing Tip
  • An Overarching Lead Generation Plan: You need a plan that keeps all of the elements of your lead generation campaign balanced, and moves each prospect through a carefully planned process.
  • Meaningful Goals: The goals need to be achievable but require a stretch. They need to be measurable as well. Each lead generation effort needs to be measured against the goals.
  • Knowing The Perfect Customer: Know who is likely to be your customer. Then build a description that includes everything you know (or can conjecture) about that customer.
  • Focusing On The Message: The message needs to be appropriate for your perfect customer – the right tone, the right words, and the right means of communicating with the customer.
  • Choosing Impactful Marketing Tactics: Design your lead generation program and your campaigns so that your multi-channel marketing work in harmony.
  • Choosing Effective Software: You need a good lead management system capable of meeting your needs and easy to use. It needs to be flexible enough to meet all of your lead management needs.

Bonus: Here is a guide on how to find the best lead management system.

  • Making Sales & Marketing Work Together: If you have a large enough company to have both sales and marketing departments, you already know they don’t always play well together. Teach them how to play together by using an integrated sales and marketing lead management system software like Teleduce. This system streamlines all the data, so both departments can work together to meet goals.
  • A Consistent Process For Creating Sales-ready Leads: When you get someone’s attention you need to move them through a carefully orchestrated process that will tell them everything they need to know in order to buy from you.
  • Tracking & Analysis: You can track campaign performance with a simple lead management system. To analyze performance, learn everything you can about your perfect customer and about the people who are responding to your marketing. If you are not getting responses from these people, you probably need to review and revise either your marketing tactics or your messages.
  • Fine-tuning Lead Generation Efforts: Constantly review your messages, your target customers, and your process. Revise and refine constantly to achieve continuing success.

Online Lead Generation Plan Example

The online lead generation plan is designed to generate leads for the sales department.

The goals of this plan are to generate leads for the sales department and to increase the number of leads that are generated.

Utilizing a variety of marketing strategies, the objectives of generating leads and increasing the number of leads that are generated can be accomplished. The following strategies can be utilized:

1) Google Ads

Google Ads might be the answer for your business. With this platform, you can use keywords, target areas of interest, and share content with specific audiences. This helps generate qualified leads in a cost-effective manner.

2) Facebook Ads

Facebook ads are one of the most effective ways to get sales leads, especially when you’re doing a product launch. Facebook ads can use targeted audiences and provide the best conversion rates for business owners.

3) Email Marketing for Follow Up

Follow-up emails are among the most important yet underrated email marketing tactics.

This is because they serve the primary function of reminding the recipient that they have an upcoming appointment or event.

They provide the recipient with an opportunity to save data, confirm their attendance, and share information about how their efforts can help improve the experience for everyone involved.

Lead Generation Marketing Strategy

Lead Generation Marketing Strategy

New customers may find you. However, you need to be more proactive in business.

This means you need to get out there and find new customers, which implies that you need to generate leads for your sales team to close.

Here are a few smarter marketing strategies that can help you in generating more quality leads that can be easily converted.

Lead Generation With IVR Services

Lead Generation With IVR Services

Even today, phone calls are effective in Sales. According to a survey,

  • 77% of adults are interested in getting help from a real person when shopping online.
  • 52% of adults said their decision to purchase the product was affected when they were not able to get help from a real person.
  • 71% of online prospects expect assistance within just five minutes.

These numbers indicate that phone leads are important as they are often further along in the buying process.

They have certain questions that need to be answered before making their decision.

They could get these answers via automated IVR and if required can engage with a sales rep right away.

In the past, IVR or interactive voice response was considered only as an automated greeting that people hear when they call a business. Since it was difficult to change, it had a limited marketing benefit.

With the advancement of voice-based marketing automation technologies, marketers can easily create their own customized IVRs today.

This has made IVR an integral part of both inbound and outbound marketing campaigns.

Inbound IVR for Lead Scoring

Inbound IVR for Lead Scoring

Insert unique virtual phone number on all your marketing campaigns both online and offline.

The caller will be directed to a campaign-specific IVR for qualification. The IVR will ask callers all the questions you predefine to score and qualify leads.

For example, if you are using the BANT model (budget, authority, need, timeline), then present your questions to determine whether the buyer is ready to buy.

The IVR passes the leads that score high to the Sales rep for immediate conversation.

Others hear a custom message and can even leave a voicemail within a lead management system software.

This way sales reps waste less time on unqualified leads and spend more time trying to convert qualified leads.

Outbound IVR for Promotional Messages

Outbound IVR for Promotional Messages
  • Promote your product or services through automated phone calls, email marketing, or instant messaging.
  • Use a virtual phone number as a call-to-action where an IVR is ready for them. Along with sharing a promotional message, these outbound IVR can also be used for the following purposes.
  • To send out reminders to customers or high-scoring leads. IVRs could be used to remind anything from payment dates to subscription renewals to updating account information.
  • Your prospects or customers can complete various actions through the IVR itself. This type of self-service increases customer convenience.
  • For leads who engaged but didn’t take action, IVR services can be used to remind them about ending dates of promotions, or that their registration is incomplete, and so on.

Lead Generation With SMS Marketing

Lead Generation With SMS Marketing

Texting has become one of the most popular methods of communication today. This means SMS marketing is one of the most excellent approaches for businesses who are looking to connect with new or existing customers.

Enhance your marketing campaign and overall lead generation activity with the following strategies:

Short Messages

Short Messages

The average consumer has an attention span of a mere 8.25 seconds. This is why less is definitely more when it comes to SMS marketing. While drafting the SMS, always focus on the content, clarity, and conclusion.

Focus on Call to Action

Focus on Call to Action

Your SMS may be short and straight to the point right, but don’t assume your consumers will know what to do next after reading an SMS.

Whether it is “buy now”, “opt-in”, “text to win”, “text to vote” or the classic “click here”, never forget to include a CTA. It informs the customer what to do next, and makes a significant impact on conversion rates.

Personalized SMS

Personalized SMS

If an SMS begins with a text code or robotic-sounding first line, a lot of consumers will assume it SPAM, realizing it was an automatically generated business template.

So, use the recipient’s name and add a conversational touch to your SMS. Doing this will humanize and enhance the feel of the message.

Always Follow Up

Always Follow up

Your ultimate aim is to guide your potential customers into the sales funnel to encourage a future conversion, so always follow up once you receive a response from subscribers.

With lead management system CRM like Teleduce, you can create auto-replies. Begin with sending a thank you message once the subscribers join your list. Then send promotional SMS at an agreed-upon frequency.


Lead Generation With Missed Call Marketing

Lead Generation With Missed Call Marketing

When it comes to lead generation, missed call marketing is simple and effective.

You get genuine leads because they give you a ‘missed call’ only when they are interested in your offer.

Missed calls are free and they don’t cost anything to your customer. All you have to do is place your message across various advertisement channels along with the missed call number to prompt an interested person.

Upon receiving the missed call, you can send an automated SMS or IVR call with the campaign information or offer details.

Let’s have a look at how to generate leads for business using missed call marketing.

Display Missed Call Number

Display Missed Call Number

The beauty of the missed call number is that it can be used in both your online and offline marketing campaigns to generate leads.

This means you can even target rural areas. Since giving missed calls doesn’t require a smartphone and works with even a simple phone, your reach could be extremely vast.

The main issue with offline advertising is that it is extremely difficult to measure the ROI of individual campaigns.

However, by using separate missed call numbers for each campaign, you can know which campaigns are working best and measure the ROI of individual campaigns.

Add Missed Call Number to Social Network

Add Missed Call Number to Social Network

Social media platforms can be used for engagement as well as lead generation. While you can collect direct leads with targeted marketing using ‘Lead generation Ads’, another simple way is to promote your missed call numbers on these platforms.

A Visible Number

A Visible Number

Whether you are placing it on a print media or website, make sure the number is clearly distinguishable.

Especially, while using it on your website or landing page, don’t hide it somewhere on the contact page, make sure you highlight at the top of your website.

Running Ads During Peak Hours

Running Ads During Peak Hours

Let’s have a look at how to generate leads online effectively.

While using missed call number as your call to action on Google Ad campaigns or email marketing campaigns, it is a good idea to run those campaigns during peak call hours.

With the help of a call management solution, you can find when your business receives a maximum number of calls.

By running ads in peak hours, you can get more leads at that time as compared to others.

Bonus: Check out our comprehensive guide on How to Run a Missed Call Marketing Campaign and effectively use it for lead generation.

LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategy

Linkedin Lead Generation

According to Linkedin, there are now 500 million business professionals on this network. This means that the audience out there is fairly large.

This is an opportunity for you to generate new business from this platform.

Here is a smart strategy that you can use for LinkedIn lead generation.

Find Employees at Target Company

Find Employees at Target Company

This strategy revolves around finding out who you know who works close to the decision-maker you are trying to reach.

By creating a relationship with them, you can infiltrate that department and get an introduction to the person who is in a position to buy from you.

Request Connection

Request Connection

When you view your target audience, you wait to find out who views you back. This shows the initial sign of interest.

Next, request a connection to the companies who viewed you back. Address them personally and give them a reason to connect.

Leverage Company Information

Still, wondering how to generate a lead for sales with LinkedIn? Well, the answer is simple, research and engagement.

LinkedIn provides you with tons of “intelligence” on the company pages which you can use as ice-breakers and reasons to contact your target.

Scour the company page for nuggets to build rapport with employees, and to understand their pains or needs that you can address with your product or service.


Lead Generation Strategy Template

Lead Generation Strategy Template

To execute your lead generation process, you need certain tools in your arsenal, along with your lead management system.

These templates will help get you on the right track, and they are flexible enough to be applicable to all sorts of different businesses.

  • Annual Content Calendar Template: Use this template to plan your lead generation content in one place.
  • Lead Scoring Template: Analyse leads and identifies your strong prospects with the help of this template.
  • SMART Marketing Template: For lead generation, your marketing and sales team need to continually measure and analyze performance. Use this excel template to organize information and streamline tasks. Also, you need to learn best practices on how to run a sales kickoff to ensure alignment and motivation across your sales team.
  • Increased Conversion & Close Rates Template: Drop off rates will tell you how likely you will be able to convert a contact into a lead and further into a customer. With this spreadsheet template, you will be able to calculate drop off rates and conversion rates.

Get the Best Lead Management System With Teleduce

Integrated sales and marketing CRM Teleduce helps companies of every size to do activities related to the generation, management, and conversion of leads.

Whether you have a sales force or not, it can save a large amount of time ordinarily spent managing data and automating some lead generation and management functions.

Teleduce manages data and reports activity. You can automate lead generation that can save time and money for your company.

The lead management system CRM makes important information available across the company. Instant calculation of lead conversion rates and ROI calculations saves time, also.

You can also benefit from list segmentation besides building landing pages that achieve higher conversion rates.